Monday, 2 January 2012

Vinegar Use on Pets, Animal

Get rid of the ugly deposits and water lines that form in aquariums and fish bowls by wiping them down with a clothe dipped in vinegar and following with a good rinse. For stubborn deposits, soak for several hours or overnight.

Remove cat litter odor by pouring ½ inch of vinegar in the empty litter box. Let it stand for 20 minutes, swish it around, then rinse with cold water.

Eliminate animal urine stains from carpet. Blot up urine with a soft cloth, flush several times with lukewarm water, then apply a mixture of equal parts vinegar and cool water. Blot up, rinse, and let dry.

Remove pet odors. After cleaning, cover the area with baking soda. Let it stand overnight. The next day vacuum up the baking soda and wash the area with vinegar. Rinse and let dry.

Deter ants. Spray vinegar around door and window frames, under appliances, and along other known ant trails.

Remove skunk odors by wiping down the pet’s fur with a 50-50 solution of vinegar and water, followed by a plain-water rinse. Repeat if necessary.

Give your dog and horse a gleaming coat by spraying or rubbing with a solution of 1 cup vinegar to 1 quart water. This saves the cost of an expensive shine product used on show animals.

Keep a dog from scratching its ears by wiping its ears regularly with a soft cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar.

Discourage a cat from sitting, sleeping on a certain windowsill or other surface, or from scratching upholstery, by spraying vinegar on the item because cats hate the smell of vinegar. Test first on an unnoticeable area to be sure there won’t be a discoloration.

Stop cats from fighting with each other with a spritz of a vinegar and water solution.

Keep a cat out of a garden area by placing paper, a cloth, or sponge there that has been soaked in vinegar.

Prevent cats from eating your plants by spraying the leaves with a solution of vinegar and water.

Keep away fleas and mange. Add a little vinegar to your pet's drinking water.

Keep chickens from pecking each other. Add vinegar to their drinking water.

Clean milking equipment. Rinse with vinegar to leave system clean, odorless, and bacteria free without harmful chemical residue.

Keep the birdbath clean by scrubbing it often with undiluted vinegar. Rinse well.

Keep flies away from horses or other outdoor pets by spraying a mixture of water and vinegar around the area where the animals are.

Stop a dog from barking with a spray bottle filled with equal amounts of water and vinegar. When the dog barks, spray the vinegar water in its direction but not in the face.

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